Biofluids Spill Kits

Biohazard Spill Kits for hospital wards, departments, laboratories, clinics or doctors’ surgeries, a sudden and unexpected spillage of blood or any other body fluid, is both distressing and potentially dangerous.

Using our Bio-hazard Spills Kit, the hazard can be used for the safe collection and disposal of blood and blood-stained body fluid spills. The main product of the Biohazard spill kits is contained with Body Spill Granules. Using the Guest Bio hazard Spills Kit the hazard can be dealt with quickly, efficiently and above all safely.

Guest Biohazard Spill Kits and Spill-Pak are designed to enable staff to conform to the recommendations of the Department of Health for the safe collection and disposal of blood and body fluid spills. The large kit is ideal for locations where spills often occur such as A&E, Surgical Wards, Pathology Reception Areas, etc


Types of Biohazard Spill Kits

Type of Spill KitDescriptionContents
Blood Spill KitBlood spills, no matter how small, present a serious hazard. This kit provides the means to safely deal with blood spillages and prevent exposure and infection.Disposable gloves and apron, absorbent granules, scoop and scraper, disinfectant solution tablets, paper towels, disposal bag, instructions
Urine & Vomit Spill KitA single-use, compact kit designed for easy transport and use in schools, healthcare facilities, and other environments for safe cleanup and disinfection.Super absorbent pad, disposable gloves, apron, and disposal bag, alcohol surface wipe, full instructions for use

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